艾米·加拉赫 (Amy Gallacher) 在双冠王凯尔特人队中的进球瞬间

艾米·加拉赫 (Amy Gallacher) 在双冠王凯尔特人队中的进球瞬间

在赛季最后一分钟赢得联赛冠军的感觉永远不会被忘记。尽管进球的球员是艾米·加拉赫,但对于这位前锋来说,当她转身离开时,这一切都有点模糊。角球庆祝。当凯尔特人 7 号欢呼雀跃地走向篮球球迷时,本能自然地接管了她。对于加拉赫来说,这是最特别的时刻之一,不仅是最后一天,也是她职业生涯的最特别时刻之一,能够与球迷以及她的家人和朋友一起庆祝如此令人难以置信的回忆。“我对那一刻或庆祝活动不太记得了,”她告诉最新的凯尔特人观点。 “我只是通过图片来重温它,而不是其他任何事情。“当我进球时,我真的不知道该怎么做。我只是跑向球迷并疯狂了。看到所有粉丝和他们的视频也很棒,他们对一个特殊时刻的反应。


The fairy tale of Celtic Football Club is a story which continues to write new chapters with each passing year.And Amy Gallacher’s last-gasp, title-winning goal ensured her own place in the history books.It also means that the Gallacher name will continue to be remembered and celebrated, given that she is following in some very famous footsteps.Amy’s great-grandfather, Patsy Gallacher, is a Celtic legend who scored 192 goals in 464 appearances for the club in the early 20th century, winning numerous trophies with the Hoops.The current Celtic FC Women’s No.7 has always been aware and proud of her family history, but it was an incredible moment for the striker to have written the latest Gallacher chapter.She said: “I don’t think I realised until after the game and the celebrations how special it was, with the whole family connections.“Obviously a lot of people have told me in tweets and online about the connection, and the different landmark moments.“So it’s a bit of surreal actually that it happened, and people are saying it was almost written in the stars.“It’s strange what has happened, and how the end of the season has panned out. So it really just is a surreal moment.“To be the first team to win the league, no one will ever forget this team. So it’s just an incredible feeling to be a part of that.”For the full interview, see the latest issue of the Celtic ViewThe latest 100-page edition of the Celtic View celebrating the Double winners and the first-time title-winning Celtic FC Women is out now and is available to buy in official Celtic stores and you can also order online NOW!And the magazine is packed with exclusive interviews, stories and features as both Hoops teams finished the season in trophy-winning style.Brendan Rodgers speaks exclusively to the View as do 2023/24 trophy-winning heroes, Callum McGregor, Joe Hart, Matt O’Riley, Cameron Carter-Vickers, Greg Taylor and Adam Idah.Elena Sadiku looks back at a fantastic season for Celtic FC Women, and is joined by skipper, Kelly Clark, goal-scorer, Amy Gallacher and long-term Celt, Chloe Craig.And there’s plenty more in your 100-page Double-winning Celtic View including the chance to WIN the new Celtic home kit and it's also the perfect reading material to pick up at the Glasgow Airport Celtic Store if you're flying off on your hols.The latest edition of the 100-page Double-winning Celtic View is out NOW and is available to buy in all official Celtic retail stores or to order onlineORDER THE VIEW ONLINEOFFICIAL CELTIC STORES

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