埃琳娜·萨迪库 (Elena Sadiku) 独家谈论凯尔特人的最新观点

埃琳娜·萨迪库 (Elena Sadiku) 独家谈论凯尔特人的最新观点

2024 年初,埃琳娜·萨迪库 (Elena Sadiku) 担任 WSL 球队埃弗顿的青训主教练。六个月过去了,这位瑞典教练现已成为凯尔特人队的历史创造者。这位 30 岁的教练在一月中旬被任命为凯尔特人队女队主教练,四个多月后,她指导了篮球队获得他们的第一个 SWPL 冠军。对于瑞典人来说,在俱乐部的头几个月是一场旋风,最终以戏剧性的结局结束,艾米·加拉赫 (Amy Gallacher) 在凯尔特人公园 (Celtic Park) 对阵希伯尼安 (Hibernian) 的最后时刻的进球为篮球队赢得了他们所需要的胜利苏格兰冠军。虽然她在凯尔特人队的时间可能很短,但埃琳娜·萨迪库已经发现了贯穿俱乐部悠久而辉煌历史的神奇元素。“在凯尔特人公园赢得联赛冠军是一个令人难以置信的时刻,”她告诉凯尔特人观点。 “我认为这几乎是童话故事的完美结局。感觉就像是命中注定的那样。“但看到所有球迷如此兴奋和高兴真是太棒了,因为他们是成功和赢得这座奖杯的重要组成部分。'以多种不同的方式创造历史,这只是表明这个俱乐部是一个想要书写历史的俱乐部。”“这是一个拥有良好愿景和周围优秀人才的大型俱乐部,可以实现这一目标。我很高兴能够成为凯尔特人历史的一部分并参与其中。”

It was Amy Gallacher’s late winner which ensured a day of celebration at Paradise, and it was fitting that the team’s top goalscorer should be the player to grab the goal which created Celtic history.Elena Sadiku said: “I felt like I was pretty calm throughout the game because I know that we can create chances and that we have been scoring a lot of goals.“When it got to the 85th minute, I was maybe thinking this doesn’t look too bright, but I was really calm during the game.'It was an unbelievable feeling to see us score the goal in the last minute right at the end of the game.'“I’m so happy that Amy was the one to score the goal right at the end of the game because she has been proving herself this season. And I’ve also said to her that I don’t believe this is the best that we can do. I still don’t think that she has reached her full potential.“But she deserved to be the one scoring that goal after the incredible season that she had.”For the full interview, see the latest issue of the Celtic ViewThe latest 100-page edition of the Celtic View celebrating the Double winners and the first-time title-winning Celtic FC Women is out now and is available to buy in official Celtic stores and you can also order online NOW!And the magazine is packed with exclusive interviews, stories and features as both Hoops teams finished the season in trophy-winning style.Brendan Rodgers speaks exclusively to the View as do 2023/24 trophy-winning heroes, Callum McGregor, Joe Hart, Matt O’Riley, Cameron Carter-Vickers, Greg Taylor and Adam Idah.Elena Sadiku looks back at a fantastic season for Celtic FC Women, and is joined by skipper, Kelly Clark, goal-scorer, Amy Gallacher and long-term Celt, Chloe Craig.And there’s plenty more in your 100-page Double-winning Celtic View including the chance to WIN the new Celtic home kit and it's also the perfect reading material to pick up at the Glasgow Airport Celtic Store if you're flying off on your hols.The latest edition of the 100-page Double-winning Celtic View is out NOW and is available to buy in all official Celtic retail stores or to order onlineORDER THE VIEW ONLINEOFFICIAL CELTIC STORES

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