

五月阿联酋航空本月最佳进球奖投票现已开放,我们的男子队、女子队和学院队共有九个精彩进球可供选择。我们的球队通过经常进球,以时尚的方式结束了各自的竞选活动,风格也。我们已将 28 个目标削减至这 9 个:


We have a legacy in the FA Cup like no other team having lifted the trophy a record 14 times, including on seven occasions in the 21st century - but how many players who picked up winner's medals in that time can you remember?We got our hands on the famous silverware in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2020, and you can test your knowledge of the stars of those finals by trying to name every player that started each of them in our colours.You've got 15 minutes to rack your brain and try and complete the line-ups from each success, and when you're done make sure you share your score with your friends and challenge them to beat it!You can also play a whole host of other Gunners-themed quizzes

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